The mission of our company


At Excel™, we believe remote working is an important way to enable people to achieve their best work while living their best lives. We support a team of more than 54 diverse and talented “Excellence” spanning the US, and Europe. Our shift from hybrid to fully remote working was first prompted by the 2020 pandemic, but our decision to make Excel a fully remote company reflects our commitment to flexibility, innovation, and the well-being of our team.

10+ years of experience

Excel™ was founded in 2013 as a fast-growth marketing firm. Our mission is to help insurance brands acquire the right customers at scale.

Unique website visitors per month
20+ million
12+ million

Employee benefits we've lovingly selected


No matter the role, everyone at Excel™ has a unique story to tell. Here are just some of them.

01 Competitive Salary & Equity We offer competitive salaries and the opportunity for you to have an equity stake in Excel™.
02 100% Health, Dental & Vision Coverage In today's world, you need peace of mind when it comes to health insurance. That's why we pay your entire premium for your Health insurance policy. Our base policy is a Gold plan.
03 Generous PTO We work hard but put a strong emphasis on work-life balance, that's why we offer over a month off work for you to enjoy.
04 Personal & Career Growth Happiness = Growth, and we strive to be happy people, thus, we focus relentlessly on Growth. Opportunities abound in a small company, join us and see for yourself!
05 Adopted 100% remote work We are committed to staying 100% remote in the future. Nevertheless we pay attention to camraderie and building a team spirit, hence we sponsor events throughout the year to build on our great culture.
06 Thrive at work and beyond Giving back to the community is important for us. We organize events throughout the year to help where we can, making a difference one day at the time.

Values that have been shaped over the years


These values is guide our company, unite our teams, and define our brand. This is way.

  • Say what you think even if it is controversial
  • Be candor and direct, and nonpolitical when you disagree with others
  • Only say things about fellow employees that you will say to their face
  • Be quick to admit mistakes
  • Inspire others with your thirst for excellence
  • Care intensely about Excel's success and its clients
  • Celebrate wins and be tenacious
  • Let your enthusiasm shine through
  • Make wise decisions despite ambiguity Identify root causes and get beyond simply treating symptoms
  • Think strategically, and articulate what you are, and are not, trying to accomplish Intelligently separate what must be done well now, and what can be improved later
  • Fully understand meanings and context before speaking the truth
  • Respect other opinions even if you completely disagree with them
  • Own your actions and consequences
  • Be yourself, everyone else is already taken
  • Treat people with respect
  • Be open-minded and fair to opportunities and people
  • Accomplish amazing amounts of important work
  • Display consistently strong performance so colleagues can rely upon you
  • Take smart risks that pay off
  • Seek what is best for Excel™ and it's clients, rather than what's best for your own individual interests
  • Treat people with respect independent of their status or disagreement with you
  • Maintain calm poise in stressful situations
  • Be a team player and work well with others
  • Share information openly and proactively
  • Place others before yourself
  • Use technology as first means of solving problems
  • Focus drives action, don't get distracted by inefficient non-digital solutions
  • Digital is the wave of the future, embrace it and be the master of change
  • Recognize and develop better ways to utilize existing technology more efficiently
View our Culture Deck.

Which of our value(s) resonate the most with you, and why?*

The highest standards of our company


No matter the role, everyone at Excel™ has a unique story to tell. Here are just some of them:

01 Team-building philosophy Surround yourself with people that you respect and learn from

Highly aligned

  • People who have been stars, then hit a bad patch, get a near term pass because we think they are likely to become stars for us again
  • We ask for the same, if the company hits a temporary bad patch, we want people to believe in us and stick with us
  • However, unlimited loyalty to a shrinking firm or to an ineffective employee is not effective

Smart work versus hard work

  • We expect a team player to show up to every game and from start to finish (meaning showtime commitment)
  • However, we don’t measure people by how many evenings, weekends, or long hours they are behind their computer
  • Effectiveness is way more important than efficiency. A person who is very efficient but not effective makes no impact on the company
02 Freedom and responsibility People thrive on being trusted, freedom, and making a difference

Talented people don't need to be micro-managed

  • Talented people perform best within clear context, freedom and moderate control
  • Talented people act like leaders and don't wait to be told what to do
  • Trustworthy people are self-disciplined and don’t need to be watched over like a hawk
  • Responsible people will take out the trash and do the right thing when no one is looking

People over process

  • Too much process can kill creativity. Creativity without enough process can create chaos
  • There has to be a fine balance between process and freedom for innovation to thrive and goals to be achieved
  • People are the lifeblood of our business and we heavily rely on your creative intelligence to think before you act
03 Context versus control Clear context enables others to make great decisions without control

Setting appropriate context

  • The best managers figure out how to get great outcomes by setting the appropriate context, rather than by controlling their people
  • Control is important in emergencies, during the learning stage, or for the wrong person in a role
  • Provide insights and deep understanding to enable sound decision making

People over process

  • Too much process can kill creativity. Creativity without enough process can create chaos.
  • There has to be a fine balance between process and freedom for innovation to thrive and goals to be achieved
  • People are the lifeblood of our business and we heavily rely on your creative intelligence to think before you act
04 Highly aligned, loosely coupled The goal is to be big and fast and flexible, all at the same time

Highly aligned

  • Strategy and goals are clear, specific, and broadly understood
  • Team interactions are on strategy and goals rather than tactics
  • Requires large investment in management to be transparent and articulate perspectives

Loosely coupled

  • Minimal cross-functional meetings except to create alignment on goals and strategy
  • Trust between groups on tactics without previewing/approving each one so groups can move fast
  • Leaders reaching out proactively for ad-hoc coordination and perspective as appropriate
  • Occasional examinations on tactics necessary to increase alignment

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